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be trouble at sb’s presence
在某人的面前惊慌失措。  detail>>
in sb’s presence
当某人的面  detail>>
cause sb a lot of trouble
给某人带来许多麻烦  detail>>
get sb into trouble
使某人陷入困境  detail>>
get sb out of trouble
使某人摆脱困境  detail>>
give sb not a little trouble
给某人带来许多麻烦  detail>>
give sb trouble
给某人添麻烦  detail>>
let sb in for trouble
使某人遭到麻烦  detail>>
put sb to trouble
给人添麻烦  detail>>
save sb trouble
给某人省麻烦  detail>>
put sb to the trouble of doing sth
麻烦某人做某事  detail>>
in the presence of
在…存在下 在…在场的情况下 在面前  detail>>
in the presence of …
在…存在下  detail>>
 n.  1.在,存在,实在;存在的人[物]。 2.出席,列席,到场;参加;会同 (opp. absence)。 3.(人)面前,眼前;〔the pr...  detail>>
be a trouble to
对是一个麻烦  detail>>
be in trouble
处于困境中 处于困难或危险中  detail>>
in trouble
处于不幸中, 在监禁中 处于困境中,有麻烦 处在困境中 我会想象自己在困境中 陷入困境,陷入麻烦中 在困境之中 在困境中  detail>>
is there trouble
有什么麻烦吗  detail>>